General Stats | | Ping | 13 ms | Estability | ±0 ms | Accuracy | 24.5% | Damage accuracy | 31.06% | Damage output:kill | 1284.03 | Max impressive | 2 | Rank | #459 | Skill | 797.9 | Games | 3 | Quits | 10.8% | Unranked | 0% | Average session | 16.0 min | Kill streak | 4 | Thaw streak | 3 | Death streak | 6 | Kills:death | 0.56 | Kills:game | 10 | Excellent ratio | 6.5% | Hits:impressive | 5.8 | Shots:impressive | 14.8 | Damage given:kill | 398.8 | Lg damage given:lg kill | 191.33 | Damage taken:death | 328 | Damage efficiency | 40.77% | Multitarget factor | 1.03 | Thaws:game | 2.33 | Thaw:death ratio | 11.5% | Thaw:kill ratio | 18.4% | Defends:game | 0 | Terminators:game | 0.67 | Terminator:ratio | 9.09% | Deaths:game | 17.67 | Thawed chance | 50% | Frozen time mean | 26.9 s | Unfrozen time | 50.5% | Score:death | 0.69 | Score:game | 12.33 | Score/min (played) | 1 | Score/min (unfrozen) | 1.98 | Minutes:death | 0.91 | Top score | 17 | Team change ratio | 25% | Team win ratio | 0% | Team score mean | 7.33 | Team led games | 0% | Last game | 1729982551 |
Item Stats | Picked health:death | 10.94 | Bonus health:death | 2.08 | Picked armor:death | 10.38 | Lg hits:death | 1.55 | Bonus armor:death | 3.96 |
| PalintHoody
- " gg see ya later, there is a film i have to watch " | |
| Thawed | 27 | Thaws | 7 | Damage given | 11964 | Damage taken | 17384 | First victim | 1 | Score | 33 | Time played | 0.53 hr | | |
Item | Armor | 58 | Armor body | 3 | Armor combat | 2 | Armor shard | 30 | Health | 7 | Health large | 2 | Health mega | 3 | Health small | 1 |
Reward | Excellent | 2 | Impressive | 5 | Terminator | 2 | | | | | | | | | | |
Weapon | Kills | Deaths | Suicides | Eff % | Hits | Shots | Damage | Acc % | | Gauntlet | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0.00 | 1 | 2 | 50 | 50.00 | | Grenade Launcher | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0.00 | 3.64 | 71 | 364 | 5.12 | | Lightning gun | 3 | 5 | 0 | 37.50 | 82 | 373 | 574 | 21.98 | | Plasma gun | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0.00 | 7.00 | 95 | 140 | 7.37 | | Rail gun | 10 | 24 | 0 | 29.41 | 29 | 74 | 2900 | 39.19 | | Rocket Launcher | 16 | 21 | 0 | 43.24 | 75.45 | 192 | 7545 | 39.30 | | Shot gun | 1 | 0 | 0 | 100.00 | 0.36 | 1.91 | 40 | 19.05 | | Total | 30 | 53 | 0 | 36.14 | 198.45 | 808.91 | 11613 | 24.53 | |